Boer Goats
We first introduced Boer goats in March, 2021, with a gorgeous buck from Cedar Hawk Ranch. Eddie (right) is a purebred Boer goat, registered with the American Boer Goat Association. We also got two does from another farm out of state to start our herd.
Why Boer goats? I always knew this breed of goat was good for meat. But I didn’t know they came in such lovely colors (ahem, there’s that eye candy again). Boer goats have been in our sustainable-farm plan since the beginning. So far we are pleased with their temperaments and are excited for this new adventure. More Boer goats are coming to the farm this year!
Cedar Hawk Ranch Elorado (Eddy)
ABGA 100%, DOB 11/10/2020
Redneck Gully Ivory Wine (Ivory)
ABGA 75%, DOB 3/5/2020