STR Empress of RLT
Emmy is a gem. She is kind and loving to all creatures. She is an excellent guardian, babysitter, and friend. She is long and lean, hitting about 30” at the shoulder with a refined muzzle, solid black nose and eyeliner, double dewclaws, and a gorgeous brindle coat. She is half Turkish Boz Shepherd, a quarter Great Pyrenees, and quarter Anatolian Shepherd.
DOB: February 21, 2020
Second generation CMD (G1)
Breeding Plans
UUU Oko of RLT
Oko is a full-bred Caucasian Ovcharka, and is a silly, lovable bear. Emmy and Oko welcomed a G1 litter of 10 on 8/27/2021. A healthy five girls and five boys. Emmy is an exceptional mother. Pups went to working, breeding, and pet homes, and we have retained a few for evaluation. I am thrilled with this litter so far.
UUU Lincoln of TFC
Lincoln is an outcross brought into the CMDR by Emily Ice. He is a lovely brindle boy with all the breed character we love. I am excited for these outcross, brindle pups. Breeding for G2 pups will occur on Emmy’s next heat cycle, 2022.
CNK Broham of RLT
Broham is a Turkish Boz Shepherd mix, standing at about 34” tall at the shoulders. He is a beast on the outside and a slush on the inside. We welcomed this boy in late 2020 and have been very pleased. He is an excellent guardian dog, and I am looking forward to this breeding. G2 pups will be coming in 2023.