(X) Royalty x Royalty’s Farm Guard
All pups have found their new homes.
By now you may have figured out the Royalty is our best girl. She brings a presence that is uncanny. She’s the Queen, and a very fair and loving one at that. She is friendly with all animals, is loving to all that meet her, and is more than we could have asked for in a LGD.
Guard is a dog we bred out of Emmy and Oko. He proved himself at just 10/11 months old with an unexpected goat kidding (x2 does), and he’s been phenomenal ever since. He’s a natural, and we are very proud of him.
Puppies will be raised with goats, pigs, and poultry, and are expected to be our best litter yet!
Royalty whelped eight healthy puppies on August 28, 2023. Five males and three females.